Welcome to all......

I would like to welcome ALL newcomers to my blog: Gene Chapman's ALS Journey. I was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhigs disease) back on 1/12/2010. It was confirmed on 2/12/2010. I enrolled and started in a 3rd stage drug trial out of the Mayo Jacksonville, Fl. Clinic that will hopefully stop but not cure ALS. My first dosing was on 4/30/2010 and my wife or my daughter in law administers two 20 cc dosages twice a day, one per sitting, 12 hours apart via a picc line that was surgically placed in my jugular vein.

I have filed for and should get disability by the end of August, 2010. Till then, my wife and I carve out a living with our two dogs in the Gainesville, Fl. area.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Attitude adjustment.....

Good morning to everyone! Twelve followers & going strong! Let's keep the referrals up and the feedback coming. Thanks!

I was told last night, by two different women; one that has been in my life for 28 years. The other, I just met; that I needed an Attitude adjustment! It was done, in both instances, in the most loving and the most professional and helpful manner. I really needed to change my attitude about my disease & how I look at it.

Now, when I get the same advice from both ends of the woman scale, I listen. I don't like too, I don't want to, but I do, for one very good reason: I have learned that to do so is in MY best interest! It has only taken 50 years of life and 28 years of marriage to come to that realization; but I guess I am a slow leaner. Better late than never, I say.

The specific attitude that I am talking about is my attitude towards my disease of ALS and using durable medical aides, like walkers, wheel chairs & power chairs. I am constantly comparing my "Performance today" to what it was back in Jan/Feb/March of this year and realizing how much ground (abilities) I have lost. That's because this shi**y disease has taken away so much and given so much that we didn't want; that I don't want to give up ANYMORE abilities with out a fight! But, am I fighting a lost cause or something entirely different? Do I need to fight at all?

According to these two women ( I know, I keep coming back to women, but in general I like women and specifically, I LOVE the one that I have been married too for 28 years!) I am looking at it all wrong. After processing what was said in private and at the ALS Gainesville support group meeting; I have come to the conclusion that I need to give myself some GRACE. As a matter of fact; I GIVE MYSELF PERMISSION to have some of Fathers Grace!

My original attitude, deep down, was based on a version of shame & regret. NOT anyway near the best attitude or yardstick to measure ones performance. Father doesn't do it, as a matter of fact, I know, for a fact, that Father is into grace big time, which is the opposite of shame! The kind of grace that brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. The kind of grace that turns pain into beauty; in this life AND the next. The kind of grace that is shaped by the most powerful versions of the most unseen but most important things in this life and in the next: Faith Hope and Love from the Father!

Now, with this grace from Father, by & because of my Brother (Christ) and carried by the Spirit (Holy); I feel empowered, I feel re-energized. Hey, I've got a life long hall pass, I've got the ultimate NOTE! And what makes it SO VERY MUCH SWEETER IS THAT IT KEEPS ON GOING, like the Energizer Bunny!

I am reminded of the parable of the workers that grace will never make sense, so don't try and get into the performance thing again BECAUSE my grace may look like nothing like YOUR grace. Besides, we do not have to perform for Father; he loves us just how we are, sins and all!

GRACE doesn't make sense. Just like Faith, Hope & Love does not make sense. And for the last BUT; Paul said we know in part and see in part, but when we get to heaven, all will be seen, all will be known (my paraphrase and I still don't have my Bible to check the reference). This is why I am using my walker this morning and when needed; I will use my power chair. I have shifted a position, I have found my Cheese!!!!!!!

So, it sounds like this is the end of the thought & heart line of my questions. Isn't it nice to know that grace is at the end?! Grace that 1) Doesn't make sense 2) Is individual , 3) Keeps on going and finally 4) Is freely given from above. All I have to do is give myself PERMISSION TO HAVE SOME, GRACE........... to all and have a nice weekend, Gene


  1. Here is a good connecting link, related to this post. Please go there for more enlightenment. It's about Miracles.

    Love & Grace, Gene


  2. How do I create a sign in?? I am not a member

  3. Gene, I thank God for using some of the women (especially THE, YOUR woman) to remind you of that grace. Attitude adjustments are sometimes hard to make but very necessary - sounds like you are handling yours just fine :) Keep sharing your heart - it is your legacy - not the disease - but your heart washed in His blood
    Bless you brother
